Syringe Attacks in Kathmandu. Were Acid Attacks not enough

Syringe Attacks in Kathmandu. Were Acid Attacks not enough??? #StaySafe

I feel devastated bringing you this news; there have been very serious syringe attacks taking place in the valley. Four women have already been attacked with syringes and sharp objects in the last one and a half months in Kathmandu.

The three of them are receiving treatment at Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital. These women were attacked and have marks on their body left by a sharp needle-like object. According to victims, they were attacked by boys on moving motorbikes at night. The victims are aged between 20 to 30.

These heartbreaking occurrences had taken place in Dallu, Kathmandu. According to the experts, if someone is pierced deep by a infected metallic syringe, it could higher the risk of deadly diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B, and C. It takes around three to six months’ time to confirm the diseases, which I think would definitely torture the victim mentally and emotionally.

Prior to Syringe Attacks in Kathmandu, the women were being victims of Acid Attacks. These lethal crimes are taking place on a daily basis around Nepal and our Government is not taking any action against it. This saddens me. The only way out of these situations is strict laws and appropriate penalty by the Government. Until and unless our Government stands with the innocents, the nation will suffer from these filthy criminals.

A popular Facebook page, World of Medical Saviors posted a safety image following the ongoing syringe attacks in Kathmandu. Have a look at the image below and stay safe.


Infected Syringe Safety