Drinking hot water. Image Source: Shutterstock

7 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Everyone knows how important it is to drink water in order to have a healthy life. The more you drink water, the more it benefits your health. But, the winter has arrived in Nepal and since the water is freezing cold, consuming water as much as we do in the summertime is really hard. So, what do we do? Stop drinking more water just because it is winter? Hell Nah! We go for alternatives such as tea, coffee, and other hot drinks. But, have you ever thought about drinking hot water only instead of all those caffeine-stuffed hot drinks? Drinking hot water or warm water comes with so many benefits that many of us might have no idea about, including the weight loss.

So, without further ado, I will guide you through the benefits of drinking hot water that you probably might not know about.

7 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Weight Loss

Hot water with lemon. Image Source: Best Health Magazine Canada

Drinking hot water or warm water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which can be quite beneficial if you’re willing to lose some weight. The best time to consume hot water if you want to shed a few kilos is the early morning time. You can consume the hot water with lemon if you like. It will help you to break down the body-fat in your body.

Remedy for Nasal and Throat Congestion

Image Credit: The Active Times

Hot water—a natural remedy for nasal and throat congestion. Drinking hot water cures common colds, coughs and also a sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and helps to remove it from your respiratory tract. You can also toss some salt in it and gargle to relieve the pain in your throat. It also helps in clearing nasal congestion.

Menstrual Cramps

Drinking hot water reduces period cramps. Image Credit: NDTV Food

For women, period cramps are a common problem. Sipping hot water helps in diminishing the menstrual cramps. Hot water will relax the muscles that are causing pain and help loosen things up to alleviate the suffering.

Body Detoxification

Image Credit: fun inventors

Drinking hot water is fantastic to help in the process of body detoxification. When you drink hot water, your body temperature begins to rise, increasing the amount of sweat. This helps in releasing the toxins from your body and cleansing it properly. For extra benefit, you can add a squeeze of lemon in it.

Healthy Hair and Vitality

Healthy Hair. Image Credit: livestrong.com

Consuming hot water is also good for obtaining soft, shiny hair. It energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them healthier. This is beneficial for getting back the natural vitality of your hair and keeping it healthy.

Promotes Hair Growth

Drinking hot water promotes hair growth. Image Credit: Musely

Activating the roots of your hair to make it healthier has another benefit attached to it—hair growth. Drinking hot water regularly will help in activating the roots and will accelerate the growth of your hair.

A Healthy Nervous System and Helps with Digestion

Image Credit: Healthline

Another benefit of drinking hot water is that it calms your nervous system and lubricate your body. When your nervous system is primed for healthy and controlled reactions, you’ll find that you feel fewer aches and pains, as well as less panicked throughout the day. Also, drinking hot water soothes and activates your digestive tract. As the warm water moves through your stomach and intestines, digestive organs are better hydrated and able to eliminate the waste.

And here ends our list of 7 benefits of drinking hot water. Drinking warm water before going to bed is a great way to wind down after a busy day and knowing about the health benefits it provides will have you sleeping soundly.

Do you know any other benefits of drinking hot water? Share them with us in the comments section. Happy winter!


Reference: Lifehack, Health Line, The Health Site