TikTok has been removed from Google Play Store in India following the Court’s orders. The main question among us Nepalis today is “Will it be banned in Nepal too?”
TikTok, the popular video app was accused of causing social stigma and medical health issues among teenagers by promoting wrong ideas in India. The Indian Government had asked Google and Apple to take the app down and following the Madras High Court’s orders.
Initially, Bytedance Technology, the company behind the TikTok App had requested to lift the ban, however, the court refused and ordered Google and Apple to remove them from their respective app stores. And the result – it has been removed the Google Play Store in India, whereas iOS users can still get the app in Apple Store.
Will TikTok be banned in Nepal Too?
With the whole situation going on in India, it has created a lot of buzz in Nepal as well. We all have witnessed several rules in Nepal that were implemented right after they were introduced in India. It is also the reason why Nepalis are asking if it would be banned in Nepal as well. However, our government has not uttered anything on this matter.
Many Nepalis, who I believe are PUBG fans, are raising their voice against the TikTok app and want it to be banned here in Nepal as well. According to what I have witnessed in their posts and comments, they seemed to be quite offended with the ban on PUBG and want TikTok to be removed as well since it is also a very popular app with a lot of annoying videos that would make anyone cringe.
Well in my view, the ban was very unfair. It is because I use TikTok too, not that I make and post cringy videos, but I do like to scroll through the app when I am bored. There are many videos that are way too funny and watch-worthy. However, as mentioned in the Indian news portal and pages, the ban was implemented as it encouraged pornography and exposes minors to inappropriate content. It is a fact that there’s always a little bad in something good. Just like that, maybe there are people using the TikTok app in the wrong way and spreading inappropriate stuff on the video app. Instead of the ban, why cannot the Government order the app builders to control the wrong ones?
TikTok has more than 54 million monthly active users in India. And banning an app with that number of users come as a shock to all of us.
What do you think? Do you think banning apps one after another are justified? Should our Government also consider banning the app here in Nepal as well?