Comedian and actor, Madan Krishna Shrestha’s autobiography, MaHa ko Ma, has been launched in the valley on Tuesday. The memoir was launched during a function held at Hotel Yak and Yeti, in Durbarmarg, Kathmandu. The book was unveiled by Shrestha’s longstanding, ever-green collaborator, Mr. Hari Bansha Acharya.
Madan Krishna Shrestha has worked as an actor for more than half a century. He has also been into directing, writing, and also been engaged in social activism along with Mr. Acharya.
Actor/author Acharya, speaking at the launch program, said, “Long time ago, I had read a narrative of a tree about its own life. After reading it, I realized that there are stories within every object. So, it’s no surprise to have an autobiography of an influential figure like Madan Krishna Shrestha. I am confident that anyone putting their hands on the book will reap rewards aplenty.”
Author Rabindra Samir said, “MaHa ko Ma, popular actor Madan Krishna Shrestha’s autobiography is a classic memoir. This book which is free from self-praise is an important addition to Nepali literature. This book stands on its own unique ground in the market full of memoirs.” He further added, “Another highlight of this book is that it does not repeat stories and incidents mentioned in Cheena Harayeko Manche—Hari Bansha Acharya’s memoir, even though their lives are intertwined. While reading MaHa ko Ma, you feel a wide array of emotions from pain, suffering, laughter, and jealousy to sympathy towards the writer. The stories of love, inter-caste marriage, the writer’s own struggle with Parkinson’s disease, among others, make this book particularly touching.”
Mr. Shrestha’s two children, Yaman and Sarana Shrestha also performed some of his original songs during the launch event on Tuesday.
Madan Krishna Shrestha’s autobiography, MaHa ko Ma traces Shrestha’s life from childhood to his partnership with Acharya and his personal reflections. Shrestha has been writing the book for the past six years but the production was delayed when the actor was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Shrestha had announced during the launch event of Haribahadur—Mr. Acharya’s novel that he would release his book around August this year. And as he said, we got to see Madan Krishna Shrestha’s autobiography on the first week of September this year.
The book has been published by Fineprint and is available in both paperback and hardcover editions.
Source: Kathmandu Post