P.S. Zindagi is a (relatively) new Nepali series by Musumusu TV airing every other week on YouTube. With already six episodes in, this series is creating its own fandom among the Nepali YouTube users. The series, with P.S. standing for Post Seismic, revolves around the lives of five youngsters moving on with their lives after the April 25 earthquake. Released on 25th April, 2016; the series aims to portray the versatility of Nepalese even when faced by multiple odds.
The director of the series, Utpal Jha, shared: “We wanted to show how even a disaster as huge as that earthquake was not able to dampen the multiple facets of life for people in Nepal.”
P.S. Zindagi features 5 main characters: JP, Krishna, Kokab, Juna and Dolma—people of varying ethnicities and backgrounds, sharing the same roof and moving along with their daily lives. All of them have their own dreams, desires, hopes and fears; each with a uniqueness of character portrayed beautifully by their respective actors.
Set in a non-descript building in Kathmandu, the five characters weave their way through unexpected friendships, everyday Nepali events and the aftershocks that are frequent disturbances.
The show is multi-lingual. There is Nepali, English along with a bit of Hindi thrown into the mix. This is very beneficial with a web series as it makes way for a broader audience group. And it also portrays the way-hows of the lesser known Muslim families in Nepal.
The episodes, though short, captures the internet audiences’ attention easily. There is a certain flow and tempo to it that sits well with viewers and the storyline is intriguing enough to make you want to sit through the entire episode.
The opening credits, though some people complain to be too long, is really good, the music upbeat and stays on the viewers’ mind.
This is a revolutionary take on what Nepali series can be and being that it isn’t externally sponsored; is doing a pretty great job. P.S. Zindagi portrays the Nepali society through the eyes of youth. There’s friendship, struggles, career, music, romance and everything in between. And that isn’t something you see every day.
You can watch the episodes of P.S. Zindagi on YouTube here.
If this series is new to you, you should definitely watch the trailer.