How would you like to improve yourself? We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Being reminded of our weakness is unpleasant. Only focusing on our weaknesses can be tiresome and depressing. Instead of crying over your weaknesses why not focus on our strengths. For happier self-improvement, you should focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
It’s easier to play to your strengths. Don’t compensate for weaknesses. Chances are you are paying too much attention to negative information. Millions of people are worried and always thinking about how to get rid of their weaknesses. What if you turn things around and focus on your strengths? For happier self-improvement, try to focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Research has shown that working on your strengths makes you happier than trying to improve your weaknesses.
One 2012 study from the Ohio State University specifically looked into two different therapy models for people diagnosed with depression: capitalization, therapy related to their strengths and compensation, therapy related to their weaknesses. After 16 weeks of this type of therapy, the subjects who had been able to capitalize on their strengths were happier the ones who had been compensating for their weaknesses. The study is based both on their self-assessments and those of their therapists.
Another study directed this line of questioning at the psychological states of job-seekers. Basically, unemployed people were given access to career-counseling. Some of these subjects experienced conventional counseling, while others got a luxurious model that included work focused on their strengths. In this case, both groups improved in the areas they were working on, but only those with a strength-based approach also demonstrated an increase in self-esteem.
When you look at your strengths from this broader perspective, it’s easier to fit your more tangible goals into a mold suited for your personality. So an aspiring pop star who’s especially creative might focus their time on songwriting, one with a strong drive to persist knows that stardom waits in the practice room, and a born leader can start recruiting backup vocalists.
Basically, we all have our own roads to success, as long as we also work on our ability. So rather than thinking about your weaknesses, why not try to think positive and focus more on your strengths.
“For happier self-improvement, focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.” Do you agree with this statement? Let us know in the comments section below.
Reference: Curiosity