The Federation of Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) in collaboration with ICT Frame is going to hold a conference of Nepal’s information and communication technology (ICT) – Subisu CAN ICT Conference 2018. The event will be a two-day event i.e. it will be held on 17th and 18th of June at Hotel Himalaya, Kupondole, Kathmandu. The 18th edition of CAN ICT Conference will start from 10 A.M.
Subisu CAN ICT Conference 2018 is a common platform where policy makers, government, and non-government agencies, telecom operators, ISPs, Bankers, Health professional, Tourism professionals, Modern Agriculture Practitioner, ICT professionals, Academicians, Journalists, Private sector, Judiciary and Lawyers, Entrepreneurs, Social Leaders, Students, and civilians can participate.
The talk for the conference will be, ‘Do smart people make smart society or do an original organization makes people quick?’
The government of Nepal has targeted for Sustainable Development of Nepal in 2030. The theme of the CAN ICT Conference 2018 will be ‘Sustainable Development Goals.’ The conference will consist of four programs: Conference Track, Panel Discussion, Workshop, and Fellowship Forum.
For more details about the ICT Conference, you can visit their official Facebook page. Make sure to attend and support Subisu CAN ICT Conference 2018.