Janakpur to Jayanagar Railway Test Operation Successful. Image Source: hiveminer.com

Janakpur to Jayanagar Railway Test Operation Successful

Janakpur to Jayanagar Railway Test Operation Successful. On 23rd of Shrawan, 2075 (8 August, 2018), the railway test operation of Janakpur to Jayanagar went successfully. The railway test operation was performed by India to bring the nation’s only railway back to activity.

The railway test operation had been discontinued for the past four years. The test operation was conducted by the Indian side in a bid to resume the operation of the train service which has remained completely stoppage for the last four years.

During the railway test operation, a railway engine with 53 bogies (any low, strong, four-wheeled cart or truck, as the one used by masons to move stones) made the 8.5 kilometers long journey from Jayanagar of Nepal to Khajuri Railway Station in India, according to the Nepal Railway CampaignerBinod Ojha. The train moved with ease during the test operation.

Ojha further informed that there would be no trouble in resuming railway service with the completion of the test operation. There was a vast number of spectators to observe the test operation of South Asia’s first railway service that connects two countries.

The Janakpur to Jayanagar to Kurtha rail service, being constructed at the Indian assistance of NPR. 7 billion, is in its final phase.


Reference: The Himalayan Times