The market monitoring team led by Minister for Supplies, Mr. Shiva Kumar Mandel sealed four shops after they were found cheating customers by selling products at expensive rates. A team from Department of Supply Management Nepal and Protection of Consumers Interest on Monday sealed four branded shops in Durbarmarg –based outlets of Nike, Puma, Bently, and Store One brands in Kathmandu for allegedly charging an exorbitant price for their products.
The team led by Minister for Supplies Shiva Kumar Mandal sealed the four branded shops after finding they were selling their products with steep profit margins. “Some of the products were charged up to 11 times the original price. We also found many malpractices in those outlets,” said director general of the department, Kumar Dahal.
Minister Mandal also said that the consumers are compelled to purchase at a hiked price as shopkeepers are motivating for wrong practices in the society. “The government is committed to stopping practices of cheating common people by coordinating between the shopkeepers and Consumers Protection Welfare Committee,” added the Minister.
“We will take harsh actions against the guilty shopkeepers as per the existing laws and order, innocent traders will not be hampered by our monitoring team,” shared Mandal.
The outlets were found charging NPR. 4000 to NPR. 5000 for clothes costing NPR. 1000, while shoes costing NPR. 2400 per pair were sold at NPR. 27000. Bills were not even drafted.
The team found Nike selling its brand shoe up to NPR. 26990 almost six fold to its original price of NPR. 4700. Similarly, North Face had sold items worth NPR. 13000 but made a bill of NPR. 4000.
Dahal said the outlets were asked to be present before the department with all documents. If they fail to do so, they would file a case against them.
The team also monitored shops in City Centre in Kamaladi, North Face in Thamel, Bhatbhateni, and Naxal on Monday.
Reference: The Himalayan Times