7 Vital Safety Tips For Cyclists. Image Source: Cycling Nepal

7 Vital Safety Tips for Cyclists | 2020

With the nationwide lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the number of cyclists is proliferating in Nepal. People are more into cycling than using motorbikes/vehicles as cycling has less to zero restrictions. Due to the pandemic, traveling in public transportation is very risky and those who have their own two-wheeler are also facing the odd-even system. We do know it is for our own safety and we must follow the safety measures to stay safe. However, with the starting of lockdown, we sure have seen an inflation in the number of cyclists in Nepal. So, if you are one of them, we might want to check out these vital cycling safety tips for Cyclists.

Some enjoy cycling as a form of exercise, some as a means of transport, and some just simply enjoy the thrill of cycling. Whatever the reason might be, it sure does keep you fit and healthy. And with that being said, let’s not forget that there are so many safety tricks you need to use in order to stay safe while cycling. Today, we will walk you through 7 vital safety tips for cyclists that will keep you safe while you’re hitting the road. So, let’s get started.

Safety Tips For Cyclists

Always Wear a Helmet

Always Wear a Helmet. Image Source: ViralPortal

Always Wear a Helmet. Image Source: ViralPortal

The first vital safety tip is to always wear a helmet while biking. There exist some people who don’t realize the dark side of cycling and ignore to wear a helmet. But, little do they know, they’re inviting a great danger in their life. A helmet can’t be 100 percent guaranteed to save your life, but it’s always going to give you better odds than going bare-headed. Why take the risk, right? So, always remember to put on your helmet before cycling.

Stay Visible

Stay Visible. Image Source: BikeRadar

Stay Visible. Image Source: BikeRadar

One of the most vital safety tips for cyclists, stay visible. If drivers can see you, they’re less likely to hit you. For that, wear bright colors and reflective clothing especially in the early morning, late at night, or on cloudy days. Also, always use lights when cycling at night or in low-light conditions.

Ignore Speeding

Avoid Speeding. Image Source: The Advertiser

Avoid Speeding. Image Source: The Advertiser

The riskiest transportation on the road is the bike. Do not try to compete with other vehicles. Avoid speeding behind a moving vehicle, if it brakes sharply, there could be a collision.

Know the Weather Forecast

Cycling in rain with waterproof gear. Image Source: Cycling Weekly

Image Source: Cycling Weekly

Before going for cycling, always stay updated with the weather forecast. Wear waterproof gear as needed. You might even want to carry a backpack to hold lightweight extra layers and other essentials for every ride.

Install Rearview Mirrors

Install Rearview Mirrors. Image Source: Decathlon Community

Install Rearview Mirrors. Image Source: Decathlon Community

If you’re someone who’s been cycling for quite a time, then you should be able to look over your shoulder without swerving. But, the best thing to do here is to install rearview mirrors on your handlebars or helmet. It will help you see what’s behind you all the time.

Be Alert

Don’t listen to music while cycling. Image Source: www.slate.com

Don’t listen to music while cycling. Image Source: www.slate.com

Don’t get distracted. Don’t listen to music or talk on the phone while cycling. Keep a lookout for obstacles in your path. Be extremely cautious while cycling. Also, avoid swerving left and right on the road, ride in a straight line.

Ride with Traffic, Not Against It

Ride with Traffic, Not Against It. Image Source: CBC.ca

Ride with Traffic, Not Against It. Image Source: CBC.ca

You need to follow every traffic rule while cycling on the road. Riding against traffic is only going to make things more dangerous. Obey the rules of the road and know what each traffic sign means. Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it.

There you go! 7 vital safety tips for cyclists. Not only these, but there are also so many other safety tips as well that you should use while cycling like wearing eyewear to protect your eyes from dirt, wind, and bugs, doing a quick bicycle test to ensure everything works perfectly, using hand signals to let drivers and other cyclists know where you’re going, be extra alert at intersections, and more.

Do you love cycling? Make sure you follow these tips before heading out. Happy Cycling!